Thursday, September 17, 2009

the extreme beauty in old days china

I wanna talk about some of the aspects that how people define the phrase “extreme beauty” in china. China used to be one of the man-dominated countries, and the men would not like the women to be taller than them. As the man thought that if a woman is short that is extremely beauty at that time, the whole society accepts it as a common sense, which means the woman who is tall hard to get married. But situation has been totally changed nowadays. In the modern society, people think that the taller a girl is, the sexier the girl is. During the Tang Dynasty, people thought that fat is an aspect of extreme beauty for woman. As the king of Tang dynasty called Xuanzong Tang has a favorite imperial concubine whose name is Yuhuan Yang, and she is a really fat woman. But fashion today trends to prefer skinny girls much more than fat girls.


  1. There are some problems with the paragraph. Can anyone tell they are? - Miranda

  2. i think, it's not really specific about topic. it is too general.

  3. I have an image that the chinese women are so thin even though they eat a lot everyday.Lol

    Anyway, I'm interested that how the defenition of beauty by chinese has been changed?? I mean what made the defenition be changed?
