Friday, September 11, 2009


When, where and how bread was born? Bread is one of the oldest food. It date back to Neolithic era. Their bread was different from ours. Though bread we eat today is fermented using yeast, theirs is not. Ferment makes bread soft and delicious, so that their bread was hard and dry. Big change happened in BC5500. In Egipt, someone left bread dough in high temperature. Then wild ferment adhered on it accidentally and it fermented. He just tried baking it and found it better than theirs. After this happening, fermented bread spread all around Europe.


  1. I think that "Egipt" probably is "Egypt"
    d article about breads interest me a lot, now I know the history of breads.

  2. It's a interesting topic. Your paragraph almost meet the 8 points requirement but a little weak in the concluding sentence.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. the topic is very interesting, most of the information is new for me
    good job :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. wow, that is the history of bread.
    Jianghao Tu
