Friday, October 2, 2009

My Great Grandfather

My great grandfather was a brave knight in the old time. His lived a hard and risky life. In his era the life was difficult because they have to fight and go to battles in order to collect money and find food. Therefore, the life was scary and dangerous. Also, he was the leader of my tribe and he is the who took care about the tribe. He used to live in a tent in the middle of the one of the biggest desert in the world. Moreover, he used to live with camels and took care about them. People in that time cannot live without camels, so whoever got many camels have more ability to be stronger. People used to get meat and milk from camels. Also, people let the camels carry them and carry their stuff. My great grandfather once he was living with his neighbor and his neighbor used to have a dog; so the dog used to know my great grandfather well. After that, the neighbor moved to a different place and after a long time since the neighbor moved my great grandfather decided to went and attack some people to get camels. In a dark night my great grandfather and his friends were close from some people and ready to attack them in order to get their camels. However, suddenly the dog knew my great grandfather smell and it came to him and started to lick his hand. After that he told his friends that he is not going to attack these people because the dog knew him and it didn’t bark on him. Because the dog showed some respect to him, he went back without attacking these people under the name of respect.

1 comment:

  1. Summarize:
    Overdose is telling us about his grad father. He was man of honor, who was a leader of a tribe long ago. He and his tribe lived in big desert using nature and camels to survive and fight for power. Overdose has shown us how honorable was his grandfather true the story about grandfather`s neighbor and his dog. He exempted the tribe that he was about to attack for camels, because he saw that his neighbor is in that tribe. Dog helped him to realize that it is his neighbor`s tribe.
